Gym related thoughts

August 2024

I went on vacation earlier this month with the intention of swimming daily and going to the exercise room.  My foot had other ideas.  I've been having trouble with it for weeks now, and, while I was able to swim, the treadmill and bike were out of the question.  I did one day on the treadmill, and decided I shouldn't overdo it.

I swam one morning, but if I didn't get up and going while it was still early, the crowd at the pool was too much.  

I did manage to get into the hot tub most nights.  Some nights were more eventful than others.  One night, there was a group of about ten people who had spent the day at a winery and had continued to drink their way into the evening.  They were bickering about what movie to watch, and one suggested "Peanut Butter Falcon" which was a wonderful idea.  I made the mistake of agreeing with the tipsy woman and ended up giving a couple more movie suggestions and she wanted to hug me.  Then she proceeded to tell me her life story, including her husband's cancer, her son wanting to move in with them with his newborn identical twin sons, and her retirement and travel plans.  Thankfully, she got too warm and jumped into the pool on top of another woman's husband who she didn't know.  

I have managed to sleep in most days and I have mostly gotten rest.  I have plans to swim before work on Monday.  Fingers crossed!


Yesterday was a long day and I had forgotten to get gas before I started off to the gym, so I didn't allow time for that. I ended up being late to meet my friend at the gym so we only soaked in the hot tub. That was fine but it wasn't very energetic of us. 

We managed to get to work on time so that was not awful. We got to work and found out that we had an afternoon patient and we were double booked in the morning. I only had one department to work in yesterday so we ended up moving someone to the afternoon so we didn't end up with the double book. I got a call from the other department asking me to do some computer work for them which would only take me a few minutes in theory. That was fine so I ended up working several hours longer than I anticipated yesterday. That was okay but unexpected. I cracked my underwire early in the day so I was fighting my bra for most of the day and everybody was annoying me so it couldn't have been me having issues. The cafeteria had a lousy menu planned for the week so I had to make sure I got lunches packed. My daughter thankfully took care of those. I had plans to meet a friend for coffee after work.  I ended up being 15 minutes late for that because I had to get my debit card from the post office box. My card had been closed because of fraud a couple of weeks ago and they were taking their time sending the new one.

Today, I did leave on time but there was an accident on the freeway so I ended up being over a half an hour late to the gym. And as I was arriving my friend called and said she forgot her change of clothes at home so she had to go back.   At least I got my gym payments taken care of, since the debit card finally got here.

July 2024


Today's plan was to catch up on computer work and finish a few books.  Molly was up for the plan.  I added sheet washing and changing and folding laundry.  It was quite a thrilling day we had planned.  I didn't even plan to get out of my PJs.  

My daughter decided that we needed to get moving on the training for the 10k.  We took Molly out with us.  We walked about a mile, with Molly stopping to poop once, and she had to pee about 3 times.  We made the mistake of going downhill first, but at least when we go downhill first, there's a public garbage can to drop the dog poop into.  Going back uphill to get home, Molly kept looking at me as if to ask if we were kidding about making her walk that whole way home.  No we weren't kidding.  

We did make it home.  I looked at my FitBit app and it didn't show that I did exercise.  I was frustrated.  It took 20 minutes for the app to catch up with me.  I was not that competitive about getting out and walking, but darn it, I want credit for it! 

I did start a spreadsheet to track mileage, times, etc for swimming, walking and weights.  It's a work in progress and I have made it so that anyone can comment on it.  I look forward to seeing what anyone has to say.

7/10/24, part 2

I got to the gym this morning and the front desk person said "I feel like we haven't seen you in a while". I thanked her for the guilt trip.  Do you get extra steps for taking a guilt trip?

I swam, which is pretty much what I do at the gym.  I had taken off my watch and jewelry and put it in the locker.  I swam and showered and dressed.  I put my watch on and grabbed my car keys and got into the car to head to work.  At work, I realized that I never put my necklace back on.  I hoped it was still in my gym bag.  I went back to my car and found it.  

I guess it was a way for me to unintentionally get in extra steps.

7/10/24, part 1

I have several trips coming up.  One has a 10k run attached to it.  We have to get under a 16 minute mile in order to not get swept.  I have some work to do!  How many steps is a 10k?  Whatever it is, it’s more than I’m doing daily. 

June 2024


It looks like I haven't been to the gym much this year.  I have, but I just haven't been posting about it much.

I have been swimming when my work hours and schedule allow.  I should be tracking my times and distances, but I haven't gotten it set up yet.  I'll post it when I get it ready.  If you'd like to add a page for yourself, message me and I will give you access.  

The pool is closed on Fridays, and when my gym buddy and I can get it together, we do weights on Fridays, and when one of us isn't up for a chlorine soak.  Again, I haven't been tracking it well yet.  If you'd like to add a page for yourself, message me and I will give you access.

I also use Stride kick to do friendly step challenges using my Fitbit.  If anyone would like to join me, I welcome the challenge.  My goal is to not fall into last place on the challenges, so you won't have much competition, but you will have accountability.

I got a walking pad from Amazon and I try to use it to meet my daily step goal.  I haven't gotten further than meeting it, but I try.  I have gotten my infinity hoop out of the package, but I haven't given it a try yet, due to lack of room.  It's on my to-do list!

Join me in my health journey!  

January 2024


I am still keeping to my goal of going to the gym 3 days a week.  I replaced the lap counter and it's still a work in progress in the pool.  I have found that I have picked up a little speed since I have been keeping at it.  My work schedule changes after this week, so I am hoping that I can keep the momentum up and possibly even pick up a fourth day now that the beginning of the year holidays are over.

I am not seeing much weight loss, but I have taken off the weight I gained over Thanksgiving and Christmas.  I guess it's progress to be back where I started, right?


I have managed to keep going to the gym at least 3 days a week since the beginning of the year.  A lot of it has to do with the fact that I had a buddy pass added to my gym membership late last year.  I have an accountability partner who is willing to make sure I get to the gym, since she can't get in without me and my membership pass.  I have yet to figure out how to get myself there ten minutes earlier, but I have to strive for something.

I did a 5k last weekend and my feet were killing me.  I figured out that my shoes were too tight.  I needed a wide width and hadn't noticed that the shoes I had weren't wide.  My feet and the rest of my body are much happier now that my shoes are the right ones.

I got my lap counter for the pool in the mail yesterday.  I attempted to fix my swimming mp3 player, but I haven't yet figured out the shuffle feature.  Some music is better than no music, I guess.

I am packed for the gym for tomorrow morning.  I still need to do some more prep work for the week, but I am at least ready for tomorrow.

December 2024
November 2024
October 2024
September 2024